13 de janeiro: Após um dia inteiro de viagem, cegamos a cidade de Lençóis. Fomos decreto para hotel para jantar, após de jantar a gente foi para a piscina, para descansar um pouco.
No dia seqüente tomamos café de manhã, e saímos para uma caminhada, para conhecer um lugar chamado Ribeirão do Meio, onde todos os intercambistas desceram escorregando de bombom a cachoeira, Foi muito engraçado, ver a cara de nossos amigos, enquanto escorregando no rio. Depois de muito tempo, todos estavam com bumbum doendo. Então, fomos para as rochas, relaxar e tomar um poucoinho de sol.
No horário do almoço todos os intercambistas foram almoçar, em um restaurante chamado Bode Grill, comida muito boa, também tomamos sorvete de frutas da região. Todos os intercambistas se encontraram no Coreto para a atividade da tarde. Fomos conhecer um local chamado Salão de Areias Coloridas onde nossos guias explicaram que os artesões da região usaram areia para fazer desenhos coloridos em garrafas. Após mais um pouco de caminhada chegamos em uma cachoeira onde podemos nadar e nos refrescar do calor.
We went directly to the hotel to have dinner, and after dinner everybody went to the pool, to relax a little.
The following day, we ate breakfast and after we went to on a hike to a place called ribeirão do Meio, where all the exchange students went down a waterfall, like a water rollercoaster. It was very fun, to see the faces of our friends, when they went down. After a lot of time, everybody had a sore but, so we went to some small natural pool, to relax and take some sun.
When it was time for lunch, everybody went to a restaurant called “Bode Grill”. Where we ate some good food, and had ice cream with fruits from the region, for dessert. All the exchange students met in the square to the afternoon activity. We knew a local called “Salão de Areia” where our guides explained that the artists of region used colored sand to make small paintings in jars. After another little hike, we arrived to a waterfall, where we could bade, and escape the sun. Boglarka se refrescando no Ribeirão do Meio
At the end of the day, we went back to the hotel. All went to the pool, where we talked and exchanged ideas about things that had happen during the day. After dinner, we went to the city, to see the stores, and to shop at the super market.
14 de janeiro: The next day we woke up very early, to begin our activity, because we had many things to do. We left the hotel at 07:30 A.M. and took the bus to a cave called Gruta da Lapa Doce. We were divided in 4 groups of 10 persons. While we where in the cave, the guide turned of the lights, so we could see how dark it was.
After we the cave, we went swimming a bit, because it was very hot as always. The river was called Mucujezinho, and there was a wonderful waterfall, where everyone went swimming, and jumped down from a cliff. After a lot of jumping, a lot went to have a back massage at the waterfall, where they could relax, and regain some energy.
At the end of the afternoon, we went to a mountain called Morro do Pai Inácio, where we walked uphill for 30 minutes, and after climbed the higest point, for about 30 minutes as well. When we arrived a the top, it was hard to believe, how beautiful it was, and we didn’t know weather to take photos or just enjoy the spectacular sight. Before we went down, the guides told us everything about the mountain, and on the way down, everybody felt a bit sad, because this was the signal, of the ending of another day.
We arrived at the hotel, just in time for dinner, and everybody ate a lot, because we had had a day full of activities. After dinner we went to the pool, to meet and see a show of Capoeira. It was really fun, because everyone was wearing the capoeira pants which were given to us, by Belo Brasil. Everybody went training Capoeira, and fought against the each other and the professors.
Our trip to Lençóis went very good, because we learned about the nature and the culture of the region. Tomorrow we are going to Salvador, and from there the history will be told by others.
draga Ervin,
ResponderExcluirce locuri superbe!!!sper ca te simti bn.
ma delectez uitandu_ma la imagini
te iubeste ,mama
Sebastian(Ger) como sempre comendo!!!
ResponderExcluirSeu gordo!!!
Saudades de você!!!
Ass: Familia Corrêa Santos
Leone e Vittorio, como vão as coisas por ai. Pelas fotos esta o máximo. Estou com inveja de vocês e com muitas saudades.
ResponderExcluirChegaremos no mesmo dia em sao paulo com muitas novidades para trocarmos, não
qual o telefone de vcs ai